
Welcome to the Readiness Foundation Curriculum Page

Here, you’ll find the comprehensive curriculum we use to prepare students and parents for college and career readiness, including specialized seminar classes for 9th through 12th graders. Our curriculum is designed to guide you through every step of the college and career readiness journey, offering over 6,000 grade-specific, 1- to 5-minute virtual lessons, worksheets, and assessments. Developed by a team of seasoned professionals with a combined 35 years of experience in college and career readiness, our curriculum is tailored to meet the unique needs of each student.

Our program can also be customized to align with your state’s college and career readiness standards, including compliance with FAFSA completion mandates where applicable. Additionally, we offer professional development for school counselors, starting from 6th through 12th grade, ensuring they are equipped with the latest strategies, tools, and knowledge to guide students effectively through the college and career readiness process.

The program is available in over 38 languages, with English and Spanish offered in our second year of service, and two additional languages added each year. The Readiness Foundation is committed to building a customized, AI-driven college and career readiness platform tailored to your needs whenever you’re ready.

View a few sample videos:

What are College Fairs


The Military offers a world of opportunities


My First Pay Check


Preparing for CTE School Interviews

Statement for Student Avatar Advisors

The Readiness Foundation is excited to introduce Student Avatar Advisors, an innovative tool designed to help students prepare for college and career readiness. These virtual advisors are equipped with the knowledge and resources to guide students through every step of their educational and career planning journey.